Model requirements for proposed developments



  • 3D electronic and physical models are required for developments in the city centre that propose any change to the building exterior. Developments outside the city centre require models when proposing any change to the building exterior if the total estimated cost is more than $5 million, or if the overall height of retained and proposed building is over 3 storeys. Models may be required if they are significant to the assessment, even when none of the conditions above apply.
  • Models are required for each stage of the development cycle, including:
    • 3D electronic and physical envelope models for concept and reference design, planning proposal and design competition.
    • Detailed 3D electronic and physical models for development applications, amendments, occupation certificates and retained buildings.
  • You can download the requirements for 3D digital and physical models here.
3D model requirementsPDF · 1.15 MB · Last modified