Your say on our resilience strategy

Your feedback will help us further develop the strategy.

Project Status: Closed

Public consultation period to

Why we’re doing this

We’ve faced many challenges in recent years. From drought and bushfire impacts and floods to the global pandemic and other extreme weather events, as well as cyber threats and changing economic conditions. These challenges threaten our stability and prosperity.

In March and April 2023 we asked for your feedback to help shape a resilience strategy to address these challenges for communities in the City of Sydney local area.

What we’re doing

We’ve developed a draft strategy that sets out a vision for a more connected and prepared city. It explains what resilience is and proposes ways to help cope with the impacts of shocks and stresses that challenge our community.

We invite you to share your experiences, thoughts and ideas on how our communities can be more prepared for emergencies and cope with the impact of shocks and stresses.

Our approach – 5 directions

The strategy describes the challenges that we face and opportunities for action across 5 areas.

Sustainable food in Sydney

We’ve heard that more people in our communities are not able to afford enough healthy, fresh food. We’re developing a plan to improve access to food and address the challenges in our urban food system.

To help us plan, use our interactive map to share places where you like to grow, buy or swap fresh, healthy, affordable food. Tell us about great local producers, food pantries, affordable markets and growers or gardens in our community, including rooftops, schools and community centres, and community programs.

Next steps

All feedback will be considered by the project team. The final version of this strategy will be reported to Council later in 2023.

Read the strategy

Resilience strategy (draft)PDF · 3.31 MB · Last modified
Strategy summaryPDF · 218.11 KB · Last modified

Proposed actions from strategy.

How you can give feedback

Consultation closes at 5pm on Friday 8 September 2023.

Feedback may be published in publicly available reports at the end of the consultation period. Your name or organisation’s name may appear in these reports with your feedback attributed. If you would like your feedback to be kept confidential, please let us know when making your contribution.

Other ways you can give feedback