Library computer and wifi conditions of use

These guidelines apply to all public internet users at our branches.


Our libraries operate under the NSW Library Act 1939, its regulations and amendments.

Inappropriate use of the internet may result in access being cancelled or further action being taken including being banned from the library.

These guidelines apply to all public internet users at our library facilities:

  • Users must follow any direction by our employees
  • Children under 16 are the responsibility of their parent or guardian
  • Laptop users accessing wifi must provide their own battery-powered devices
  • We have no control over the internet, reminding users some content may be offensive to others
  • We take no responsibility and have no control over the security of any information users place on the internet such as banking details or form data
  • Users must follow all relevant laws including copyright and licensing agreements

The internet must not be used for:

  • displaying pornographic, obscene, offensive or other material considered to be bad taste
  • displaying material or any act that may incite hatred or violence
  • any illegal act or related material