Century Tower is a 52-storey residential building consisting of 292 apartments and several large common areas.
Its proactive and trusted onsite building manager Andrew Croucher oversees the building and he's supported by a strong and diverse strata committee.
The building had extremely high water use. This prompted the committee to request Sydney Water conduct an obligation-free assessment and identify efficiency opportunities. It’s now saving $64,000 on water bills.
What they did
- Repaired 602 toilets
- Replaced 687 domestic water fixtures with efficient alternatives
- 28 million litres of water saved each year
- $64,000 a year saved on water bills, which kept strata levies from going up and allowed money to be spent on other essential building projects
By accepting the Sydney Water performance agreement option, no upfront costs were required. Century Tower has been a finalist in the SCA (NSW) Strata Community Awards 3 years in a row and won the 2021 and 2022 awards for Strata Community Environmental Engagement.
Role of strata committee members
The strata committee is a highly engaged group
- resource use is monitored monthly with the treasurer
- it’s directly involved in efficiency projects
- it produces an annual report for the annual general meeting highlighting sustainability initiatives and achievements.
Century Tower is on a roll and continues to make further resource efficiency improvements in the building.
Your apartment building could save water and money too. Get an obligation free assessment or find out more on the Sydney Water website.