Climate action for residents
There are things residents can do to fight climate change and help take care of Sydney. Here are some of the best.

Switch your apartment or house to GreenPower
The single best thing you can do for the environment today is switch to a 100% GreenPower-based electricity plan.
More than 10 electricity providers sell GreenPower in Sydney, so it’s easy to get.
Read our guide, learn the difference between carbon neutral and GreenPower plans, and switch today.
Install rooftop solar
More than 2 million Aussie homes are already enjoying the benefits of rooftop solar: clean, green power that can save you money. Read about the benefits for residents.
Reduce your energy use
From choosing energy-efficient lightbulbs and appliances to adjusting your thermostat, there are plenty of ways to reduce the amount of energy you use at home.
To help you monitor and reduce your energy use, you can borrow a power kit from our libraries. It includes a Powermate Lite electricity use monitor and infrared thermometer to help you learn where your home leaks hot air in winter and cool air in Summer
Divest from fossil fuels
Change your investment profile to ethical, fossil-fuel companies and move away from banks that invest in fossil fuels.
Visit Market Forces to compare the fossil fuel investment positions of financial institutions.
Reduce food waste
Discarded food in landfill is a top contributor to greenhouse emissions. Producing uneaten food wastes a whole lot of resources: water, energy, land, fertiliser, labour and money. It also generates greenhouse gases at every stage from farm to fork. Find tips for reducing food waste.