Chalmers Street cycleway improvement works

This area experiences high numbers of people riding and walking, and these enhancements will create a safer environment for all.

Project Status: Completed

What we’re doing

This 2-way separated cycleway will provide an important connection between the shared path in Prince Alfred Park and the existing separated cycleway on Chalmers Street, which was built as part of the light rail project.

The improvements will separate people riding and walking between Prince Alfred Park and the entrance to Central station and provide protected space for current and new riders to travel safely.

There are around 1,400 bike trips each weekday between Prince Alfred Park, Surry Hills and the city centre. The cycleway connection is part of a key route between the growing Green Square area, inner Sydney and North Sydney.

Additional footpath space will also be created on the northern side of Randal Street.

Impacts and disruptions

There are no proposed changes to trees, parking, loading areas or traffic.

This project is funded by the NSW Government.

Responding to the community

We exhibited the plans and consulted the community in October 2019. Council endorsed the proposal in December 2019. The Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee has endorsed the scheme.

Why is this project needed?

There are around 1400 bike trips every weekday between the city centre and Prince Alfred Park, Surry Hills. The current shared path between Randle Street and Prince Alfred park is not able to safely cater for the high numbers of riders and people walking.

This new separated cycleway will protect riders and people walking, allowing a safer journey for all.

Will there be any changes to the shared path in Prince Alfred Park?

No, the shared path running from Chalmers Street to Cleveland street will not be changed.

How will the bike crossing over Chalmers Street operate?

The crossing over the light rail tracks on Chalmers Street will be signalised with bike lanterns.

Will there be any changes to parking?

No parking spaces will be affected.