Kent Street underpass improvements
A key link for people walking and riding connecting the city with Millers Point and Barangaroo.
Project Status: Completed

What we’re doing
The Kent Street underpass is a network of underground pathways and spaces under the Western Distributor between Grosvenor and Kent streets.
The site includes 3 main pocket spaces connected by the network, York Street, Middle and Kent Street pockets.
We upgraded the underpass, which included:
- removing some of the raised planters and terraces to open up the space
- improving sightlines and reducing the dominance of concrete elements
- high quality stone paved pedestrian surfaces
- new wayfinding signs
- new landscaping, tree planting and palm tree clusters
- planting along the footpath from York Street to the eastern underpass
- replacing the existing stairs from Kent Street with a more generous and accessible staircase.
The cycleway route is defined by a 150mm kerb and set down, which has been similarly paved to the footpath to create a cohesive environment and to signal slower cycling speeds. Transitions to the cycleway have been calmed with graded ramps to footpath level.
We consulted the community about the proposed improvements in 2015 and the feedback we received was included in the design. Council endorsed the developed design plans in May 2015.
Construction started in April 2016 and completed in April 2017.
The site is owned by Roads and Maritime Services but we maintain it under an existing lease agreement.