Walking & cycling improvements at Lang Road & Driver Avenue, Moore Park

We’re improving safety and access for people walking and riding at this busy intersection.

Project Status: Completed

What we’re doing

We’re improving the Lang Road and Driver Avenue intersection at Moore Park by improving safety and access for people walking and riding. The intersection is busy with people riding bikes between the eastern suburbs and the city and with workers and visitors to the Entertainment Quarter.

The current t-intersection has pedestrian crossings on only 2 sides. Work includes installing:

  • a new signalised crossing on the western side
  • a new shared path to connect the new crossing with Federation Way
  • wider shared footpaths on the north-western and north-eastern corners
  • bike lanterns
  • new kerb ramps.

There are no proposed changes to trees, parking, loading areas or traffic.

This project is funded by the NSW Government.

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