Upgrade works for Vine Street Reserve and Playground, Darlington
To meet the needs of this busy urban neighbourhood, we’re upgrading the reserve and playground on Vine Street.
Project Status: Completed
Work started in April 2022 and was completed in August 2022. The playground is open.
What we’re doing
We’ll provide new play equipment, more plants and places to sit, and better access for everyone.
The upgrade includes:
- new play structure and new rubber soft fall
- new stone and timber play elements, including boardwalks, balance beams, steppers and boulders
- new gardens, trees and shrubs and a hybrid turf area
- a new accessible entry and sandstone log seating.
We’ll also improve the footpath in Thomas Lane, Darlington, on the junction of Vine Street. This will provide a link for people walking on Vine Street, reduce vehicle speeds on Thomas Lane and prioritise pedestrians, without affecting parking on Vine Street.

The playground and reserve will both be closed during the works.
The nearest playgrounds are at:
- Charles Kernan Reserve, Abercrombie Street, Darlington
- Redfern Community Centre, Hugo Street, Redfern
- Peace Park, Myrtle Street, Chippendale.
Parking in Vine Street next to the playground will be temporarily reduced to allow for a construction loading zone. The Vine Street footpath next to the reserve will be temporarily closed during the works with alternate pedestrian access provided. Our contractor will make every effort to minimise other impacts. However, there will be machinery noise and dust.