Beaconsfield Park upgrade completed
Beaconsfield Park upgrade completed
Beaconsfield Park upgrade completed

Multi-purpose park featuring a barbecue and picnic area, children's playground and tennis courts. Dog off-leash at all times. Cafes nearby.


  • Sporting equipment included

    There are 2 floodlit tennis courts that are available for hire from 7am to 10pm, 7 days a week. There is also a small half-court basketball area.

  • Children’s area included

    A fenced children's playground.

  • Barbecues included

    Shaded barbecue and picnic area.

  • Public toilets included


  • Mobility parking within 300m included

    Reserve Street
    South side, between Botany Road and Beaconsfield Lane
    There is 1 x parallel parking space
    3.2m wide by 7.8m long.

  • Ramp access included

    Accessible ramp from William Street.