Proposal to enter into a licence for open space in Prince Alfred Park

The open space play area will be used by the students at the adjoining Inner Sydney High School.

Project Status: Closed

Public consultation period to

Community Property Manager

City of Sydney
GPO 1591
Sydney 2001
phone number
02 9265 9333
email address
[email protected]

What we’re doing

We invite your feedback on our proposal to enter into a licence with the NSW Department of Education for part of Prince Alfred Park.

The open space play area will be used by the students at the adjoining Inner Sydney High School and is for a term of up to 20 years (2022–2042). The school will use the space during school term between 10am and 2pm.

The Department of Education has also granted a licence to the City of Sydney for community use of part of the school after school hours for the same 20-year term.

The proposed licence will begin at the end of the notification period.

Council approved the proposal on 13 August 2018.

If you have any enquiries about the proposed licence contact our community property manager on 02 9265 9333 or email [email protected].

A drawing of a plan showing where proposed open space will be located.

How you can give feedback

Consultation closes at 5pm on Wednesday 25 January 2023.

Email or post your feedback

Your feedback must be in writing and emailed to [email protected] or posted to:

Community Property Manager
City of Sydney
456 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Feedback may be published in publicly available reports at the end of the consultation period. Your name or organisation's name may appear in these reports with your feedback attributed. If you would like your feedback to be kept confidential, please let us know when providing your feedback.

Other ways you can give feedback