City economic insights
A snapshot that explores emerging economic and business trends and seeks to understand their longer-term impacts on the city.

These periodic studies show how people use, visit and spend in the city.
- Consumer spend was strong in November after a subdued winter. Over the last year, the largest local spend categories were dining ($3.31 billion), specialised and luxury goods ($2.19 billion) and vehicles, freight and other transport ($1.39 billion).
- Median weekly rent in the City of Sydney local area has risen over the past 3 years, with units outpacing townhouses. Accelerated delivery of new dwellings is forecasted, which may help contribute to easing housing pressures.
The tourism sector has continued to recover throughout the year. Overseas arrivals for the year to September 2024 were up 23.8% from the previous year. International visitors are also staying longer and spending more when visiting Sydney.
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