Creative City cultural policy and action plan 2014–2024 highlights and achievements
This report summarises 10 years of investment in culture and creativity and features case studies of projects and programs under our first cultural policy.

- Our first comprehensive cultural policy was a 10-year plan to support the creative industries and culture in our city from 2014 to 2024.
- During the life of the policy we made an average investment of $34 million in culture each year and dedicated a property portfolio worth $44 million to cultural purposes.
- Our investments supported more than 14,000 opportunities for Sydney-based artists.
- We developed a significant annual calendar of events and cultural programs that provide our communities with free and low-cost access to cultural activity and employ many creative workers.
- This report includes case studies of some of our achievements in public art, cultural programs, creative spaces, strategic initiatives to support the creative sector and cultural events both large and small.
Creative City cultural policy and action plan 2014–2024 highlights and achievements PDF · 20.88 MB · Last modified
Creative City cultural policy and action plan 2014–2024 highlights and achievements (Print version)PDF · 74 MB · Last modified