Proposed improvements for traffic and transport in Alexandria and Erskineville

Lord Mayor of Sydney, Clover Moore AO hosted a community forum on the Erskineville and Alexandria transport study at Alexandria Town Hall in September 2023.
The proposed changes aim to improve access, safety and amenity for residents. Particularly for people walking and cycling by limiting through traffic on local streets and minimising impacts from traffic management measures.
The recommendations include:
- a traffic calming scheme for Maddox Street west of Euston Road
- closing Maddox Street or banning the left turn from Euston Road into Maddox Street
- upgrading the intersection of Mitchell Road and Ashmore Street with traffic and pedestrian signals
- making Harley Street one-way eastbound between Mitchell Road and McEvoy Street or left out only at McEvoy Street
- widening footpaths on both sides of Copeland Street between Fox Avenue and Clara Street
- minor changes to calm traffic and improve safety at the intersections of Belmont and Fountain streets, Dadley and Renwick streets and Dadley and Lyne streets
- request Transport for NSW to remove the no right turn from Euston Road northbound into Maddox Street east
- take traffic counts in Park Street for 3 months to monitor traffic conditions
- take traffic counts in Mitchell Road after all treatments completed to monitor traffic conditions.
Issues raised but not included in this proposal:
- Traffic increase on Buckland Lane from closure of Anderson Street and right-hand turn bans at Buckland Street:
The no right turn on Mitchell Road at Buckland Street was originally installed at residents’ request to reduce volumes on Buckland Street. Removing the no right turn will encourage more traffic on Buckland Street. - The pedestrian crossing on Mitchell Road at Harley Street should be raised:
A raised pedestrian crossing was proposed as part of the cycleway works but due to drainage considerations during detailed design, it was not possible to raise the crossing. Signals at the intersection will provide a safer crossing for people walking instead of a zebra crossing. - Mitchell Road between Sydney Park Road and Coulson Street is too narrow to accommodate the cycleway currently under construction:
The cycleway uses space previously used for parking and does not reduce traffic lanes. - Temporary speed humps on Henderson Road and Railway Parade are loud and need to be replaced with permanent, quieter ones:
The material and locations can be considered but permanent speed humps will not create less noise. - Close Maddox Street or banning the left turn from Euston Road into Maddox Street:
There was strong opposition from the community to these options. Instead we’ll consider a traffic calming scheme for Maddox Street and request Transport for NSW to reinstate the right turn from Euston Road northbound into Maddox Street east. This will reduce unnecessary heavy vehicle traffic on Maddox Street west. - Close Harley Street fully to traffic at either Mitchell Road or McEvoy Street:
There was strong opposition from the community to these options. Instead we’ll investigate options to make Harley Street one-way eastbound or left out only at McEvoy Street to address community feedback about current traffic arrangements.
We asked for your feedback on proposed traffic and transport improvements in May and June 2023.
Engagement report – Proposed improvements for traffic and transport in Alexandria and ErskinevillePDF · 885.37 KB · Last modified
We asked for your feedback on this study in February and March 2023.
Erskineville and Alexandria traffic and transport studyPDF · 6.61 MB · Last modified