Public spaces & public life studies

These reports provide a blueprint to transform our city centre into a welcoming, public transport-orientated, green, connected, and distinctive place.

Cover of the report showing Sydney Town Hall.

2050 sounds so far away. And in many respects, it is. But when it comes to the work of transforming cities to perform in the face of mounting local and global challenges, the next 30 years will be most critical.

Providing the basic infrastructure for a growing population to function is one thing but providing the physical framework for individuals, neighbourhoods and communities to flourish, is another.

This is where the importance of public space and public life come into play.

In 2007, a public spaces and public life study made recommendations for a better city for people. It also set a benchmark against which future progress can be measured and compared.

With many changes and more anticipated in the future the City of Sydney invited Gehl to review and update our earlier work. The 2020 public spaces and public life review is a collaboration between the City of Sydney and Gehl.

Public spaces & public life study summary: Sydney 2020PDF · 29.41 MB · Last modified
Public spaces & public life: Sydney 2020PDF · 63.68 MB · Last modified
Public spaces & public life: Sydney 2007 (part 1)PDF · 8.48 MB · Last modified
Public spaces & public life: Sydney 2007 (part 2)PDF · 9.61 MB · Last modified