Business, Economic Development and Covid Recovery Advisory Panel

Provides high-level independent expert advice to help deliver Sustainable Sydney 2030-2050 Continuing the Vision.

Following the launch of the economic strategy discussion paper, the panel’s focus will be to support the sustainable recovery of our local economy, particularly the city centre. This area is NSW’s leading economic hub and was most impacted by the pandemic.

Collaborative effort and partnerships between public and private actors are central to recovery and achieving economic resilience. This effort will be an important mechanism for development and delivery of the City of Sydney’s next economic strategy.

About the panel

This panel’s focus is to provide strategic advice to the City of Sydney to ensure sustained recovery of our economy. This includes advice about building business diversity and economic resilience, developing a strong innovation economy and opportunities to develop a vibrant 24-hour economy and nightlife.

The advisory panel includes members highly recognised in relevant professional fields and who have demonstrated experience, seniority and knowledge of economic areas. Their areas of expertise cover trade and investment, attracting talent, the innovation economy, green economy and sustainable finance, creative economy, community wealth building, the night-time economy and the visitor economy.

They also advocate to other government agencies, the private sector and relevant peak bodies on key priority economic issues.

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Panel members