Making Sydney inclusive for people with disability
This page lists contact details and websites of relevant organisations that support people with disability and work to make Sydney, the state and Australia inclusive for everyone.

Transport for NSW: People with Disabilities
Information about concession ticket types, eligibilities and how to apply.
- 131 500
Taxi transport subsidy scheme
If you are eligible, the subsidy covers 50% of the total taxi fare with a maximum of $60 per journey.
- 131 500
Companion Card
The NSW Companion Card program is for people with significant and permanent disability who have a lifelong need for a high level of care to participate in community events and activities. The Companion Card allows a person’s carer free entry into participating venues and events.
- 1800 893 044
Information on accessible services for people who are deaf, hard of hearing and /or have a speech impairment, including mainstream communication options and 24-hour National Relay Service.
- Speak and listen: 1300 555 727
- SMS relay number: 0423 677 767
Australian Human Rights Commission
Protects and promotes disability rights, investigate and conciliate discrimination complaints.
- 02 9284 9600
- TTY: 1800 620 241 (toll free)
- [email protected]
Disability Gateway
The Disability Gateway has information and services to help people with disability, their family, friends and carers, to find the support they need in Australia. The Disability Gateway includes a website, a dedicated phone number and social media channels.
- 1800 643 787
- Interpreter: 131 450
- National Relay Service: 1800 555 677
National Disability Insurance Scheme
Information about eligibility and services for people with a significant and permanent disability, their families and carers under the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
- 1800 800 110
- [email protected]
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
An independent agency to improve the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services.
- 1800 035 544
- [email protected]
Access Sydney Community Transport
Not-for-profit community organisation providing accessible and affordable transport services to the frail aged, people with disabilities and their carers.
- 02 8241 8000
- Fax: 02 9282 9089
- [email protected]
Association of Consultants in Access Australia Inc
The peak national body for access consultancy and advancing equality of built environment accessibility or people with a disability.
- Fax: 03 5221 2820
- Phone: 03 5221 2820
Council for Intellectual Disability
Provides policy advice, advocacy and campaigning, community education and information programs on the rights and interests of people with intellectual disabilities.
- 1800 424 065 (toll free)
- [email protected]
Deaf Society of NSW
Provides specialist services for deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing people and their families.
- 02 8833 3600
- TTY: 02 8833 3691
- Fax: 02 8833 3699
- [email protected]
- Suite 401, Level 4, 69 Phillip Street, Parramatta NSW 2150
Guide Dogs NSW/ACT
Provides training for people who are vision impaired to gain mobility and independence by using canes and guide dogs to get around safely.
- 02 9412 9300
- Fax: 02 9412 9388
- [email protected]
Information on Disability, Education & Awareness Services (IDEAS)
Support people with disability, their families, carers and other supporters to self-advocate and make informed decisions.
- 1800 029 904 (toll free)
- Text: 0458 296 602
People with Disability Australia
National disability rights, advocacy and representative organisation.
- 02 9370 3100 or 1800 422 015 (toll free)
- TTY: 02 9318 2138 or 1800 422 016 (toll free)
- Fax: 02 9318 1372
- [email protected]
Physical Disability Council of NSW
Peak NSW organisation representing people with physical disability.
- 02 9552 1606 or 1800 688 831(toll free)
- [email protected]
Provides employment and community support services for people with disability.
- 1300 472 673
- [email protected]
Spinal Cord Injuries Australia
Supports people living with spinal cord injury and other neurological conditions.
- 1800 819 775
Zero Barriers
A free service helping businesses eliminate barriers for people with disability by creating a more accessible and inclusive community. Zero Barriers was opened in 2017 by the Multicultural Network and the City of Sydney is a partner.
- 0432 813 197
- [email protected]
If you're visiting Sydney and need more information about accessibility, use the following contacts.
Powerhouse Museum
Details about the museum’s accessible services.
Phone: 02 9217 0111
Email: [email protected]
The Royal Botanic Garden Sydney
Provides access information to the gardens in the city centre near the Domain.
Phone: 02 9231 8111
Fax: 02 9231 8054
Email: [email protected]
Sydney Aquarium
Information about accessible services at the aquarium.
Sydney Opera House
The Sydney Opera House website contains lots of information about its accessible services.
Phone: 02 9250 7111
Email: [email protected]
Sydney Tower Eye
More information about the landmark’s accessible services.
Sydney Town Hall
Contains details about the venue’s accessible services.
Phone: 02 9265 9282
Email: [email protected]
Sydney Visitors Centre – Darling Harbour
Provides visitor information for Darling Harbour, with accessibility details.
Phone: 02 9240 8500
Email: [email protected]
Sydney Visitors Centre – The Rocks
Provides visitor information for The Rocks, with accessibility details.
Phone: 02 9240 8500
Email: [email protected]