Delegation registers
Delegations from the Council to the Lord Mayor, delegations from the Council to the CEO and delegations from the CEO to Executive Directors and staff.

How the Council’s powers are awarded
The City of Sydney Council has the power to delegate functions under the Local Government Act 1993 except for specific functions that are reserved for Council and cannot be delegated, like making rates, fixing fees, voting for expenditure on works, services or operations, and adopting financial statements.
Delegations to the Lord Mayor
Certain functions of the Local Government Act are delegated from the City of Sydney Council to the Lord Mayor.
These delegations include functions regarding the management of Council meetings and business, specific expenditure, external relations and representations, organisational accountability and performance management, the authority to obtain legal services, the mayoral and civic role, and the general authority of Council during recesses.
Delegations to the CEO
Delegations from Council to the CEO are made on an exception basis. This means that all functions are delegated to the CEO from Council unless expressly excluded. Note that some of the CEO’s delegations are expressly outlined in the ‘Delegations to the CEO’.
Register of Delegations from CEO to Executive Directors and staff
Certain functions of the Local Government Act that have been delegated to the CEO are further sub-delegated from the CEO to Executive Directors and employees. If a delegation is not expressly stated in the delegation register from the CEO to Executive Directors and staff, then the function has not been delegated to an Executive Director or other staff member.
These delegations include functions regarding procurement and finance, contracts, legal matters, property, workforce matters, roads and footways, planning, development health and building, and enforcement.