Climate action for business
Whether you’re an owner of a big or small business, there are things you can do to fight climate change and build your reputation as a socially responsible business.

Switch to an accredited GreenPower electricity plan
GreenPower is an accredited and audited government program. When you choose a GreenPower electricity plan from an energy provider, your money goes to putting more renewably-sourced energy into the electricity grid instead of coal.
If you want to switch to 100% renewable energy as soon as possible, GreenPower or Large-scale Generation Certificates could be a good option for you, regardless of how much electricity you use. Read more about the benefits of GreenPower and LGCs.
If you’re a medium or large business, take a look at power purchase agreements
As a business owner, you may have heard the growing chatter about renewable power purchase agreements or PPAs. These are agreements that a business or organisation will buy electricity from a solar or wind farm, at an agreed price over a fixed term, usually from 5 to 10 years. Entering into a corporate agreement with a renewable-energy generator can increase price certainty for a business. We have a PPA.
Other organisations with PPAs include Ascham School in Edgecliff, the University of NSW, Kettle Chips, and Sydney Opera House.
If you’re buying between 500MWh and 50GWh of electricity a year, a retail PPA could be a good option for you. Read more about PPAs.
Rate your building
Measurement is the first step to better management. Get your workspace assessed by a relevant sustainable rating agency such as NABERS, Green Star and EarthCheck, to see how you can save energy.
Go carbon neutral
Business owners can fight climate change and reap reputational rewards by following the national carbon offset standard. We’ve written a quick guide to carbon offsetting.
Use our sustainability programs
You can join one of our programs that help businesses switch to renewables and reduce energy, water and waste. For example, nearly 1,000 office-based businesses are now part of the CitySwitch program, which champions energy efficiency and cost-saving measures.
Divest from fossil fuels
Change your investment profile to ethical companies and move away from banks that invest in fossil fuels. Visit Market Forces to compare the fossil fuel investment positions of financial institutions.