Inclusive and accessible public domain policy
Provides a framework to apply relevant Australian access standards consistently.
Related to Public spaces

- Every day, people with disability experience barriers that make it difficult to participate and work in our community. Barriers may be:
- physical, such as inaccessible streetscapes
- social, such as a lack of information in accessible formats
- attitudinal, such as assumptions that people with disability are not able to participate in certain activities.
- When these barriers are reduced, the majority of people with disability will experience greater independence and equitable opportunities for social and economic inclusion.
- The policy and guidelines apply to all new and upgraded public domain spaces and infrastructure, provided by the City of Sydney, or third parties such as contractors or developers as part of voluntary planning agreements. They:
- set out minimum requirements for access and examples of best practice to strive for
- provide flexibility for managing design challenges with guidance on design and decision making, including how to seek expert advice
- support the council and others using public spaces to maintain access by setting minimum requirements
- describe best practice for inclusion and access during temporary disruptions such as construction, events, markets, filming and other activities.
Inclusive and accessible public domain policyPDF · 206.51 KB · Last modified
Inclusive and accessible public domain guidelinesDOCX · 183.96 KB · Last modified
Inclusive and accessible public domain guidelinesPDF · 5.12 MB · Last modified