Mobile food vending vehicles policy – local approvals policy
A framework to manage the operation of these vehicles within the local area.

Flexible regulations for food trucks
Mobile food and drink outlets (food trucks) are allowed to operate at any time, but there are some restricted times in residential areas and under conditions of our mobile food vending vehicles – local approvals policy.
- Food trucks must have consent of the owner of the land where they are located. If a council or other public authority has control and management of the land, such as a public road, public reserve or other public place, consent in writing from the council or relevant public authority must be obtained.
- If the food truck is located on private land it is limited to one food truck for each lot, and it must not contravene any conditions of development consent for any other use of the land.
- Other requirements including not obstructing vehicle or pedestrian access and taking steps to reduce noise also apply.
- This policy provides a framework for the operation of mobile food vending vehicles within our local area. It aims to:
- ensure mobile food vending vehicles follow road rules and kerbside parking restrictions on City-owned roads
- ensure that food sold is safe and fit for human consumption
- provide guidance and assistance for people to operate these vehicles in the local area
- ensure their safe operation
- minimise impact on the environment and local amenity.
- The policy applies to City-owned roads and other public places within our area.
Mobile food vending vehicles local approvals policyPDF · 1.17 MB · Last modified