Leave nothing to waste: Waste strategy and action plan 2017-2030
We're setting a bold zero waste by 2030 pathway for waste management in the local area.

- This strategy and action plan includes clear targets, priority areas, and actions to reach our zero waste goal. The plan also sets out recommendations to accommodate future legislative requirements and advances in technology.
- We’ve adopted waste targets for 2021 for our organisation, our parks and public spaces, and our residents and businesses. This is in line with our environmental strategy and action plan, and the NSW State Government waste targets.
- Our long-term waste objectives are to:
- reduce the amount of waste produced
- recycle as much as possible
- treat what’s left over in the most sustainable way
- We want to further reduce the amount we send to landfill by expanding our services to include residential collection of e-waste, textiles, and food waste.
- We’re doing what we can towards a long-term goal of zero waste, but we need support and action from all our residents, businesses and the state government.
Leave nothing to waste: strategy and action plan 2017–2030PDF · 7.23 MB · Last modified