Your feedback on managing Crown lands in the City of Sydney area
Help us shape new plans of management for Crown lands in our local area.
Project Status: Closed
We’ve developed proposed plans of management to ensure we look after Crown land reserves and we invite your feedback on the plans. Consultation closes at 5pm on Wednesday 3 November 2021.
City of Sydney
- GPO Box 1591Sydney 2001
- 02 9265 9333
- [email protected]
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What we’re doing
The City of Sydney manages 45 Crown land reserves including Hyde Park, Wentworth Park, Victoria Park, Martin Place and many smaller areas. These are special places that help connect our communities and keep our city green.
We’re preparing plans of management to ensure we look after Crown land reserves based on community, environment and heritage needs.
Why are we doing this?
Under the new Crown Land Management Act, the City of Sydney must develop plans of management for Crown land parks, reserves and civic spaces in our care.
Community land is land that is managed by the City on behalf of the community for everyone to enjoy. Some of the community land we manage is also Crown land.
Crown land is owned by the NSW Government and can be parks, foreshores, civic spaces, ovals and sporting facilities, bush land and community facilities.
A plan of management outlines what the community values about the place, its current and future uses and how it will be managed, maintained and improved.
We’d like your help to shape these plans. We’re inviting you to share your insights into why these places are important to you and your ideas for how they should be managed now and into the future.
We have analysed information about these reserves, including feedback from the community on previous consultations. This information, along with your feedback, will be used to inform these plans of management.
You will find a range of resources below to help you understand what we are doing and why it is important.
Respecting native title and Aboriginal cultural heritage
Our new plans of management must comply with native title legislation. We would like to hear from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples about how we can respect First Nations cultural heritage and custodianship of these Crown land reserves.
Explore some of these reserves as they were before colonisation.
How we use Crown land
Crown land reserves play an important role in the life of our communities. They include civic spaces, well-known parks, places of cultural and historic significance, sporting facilities and local parks and playgrounds. This gallery is a small snapshot of some of the ways we use Crown land in our local area.

Find out more about Crown land in our area and the parks and places that will have plans of management
How you can give feedback
There are 3 ways you can provide feedback:
Complete our short survey
Use our conversation guide to give feedback from your community group, school, family or neighbours
We’ve developed a kit for you to host your own discussion and provide your feedback. We can also meet with your local group or run a workshop at your school.
Attend a pop-up information session
Saturday 21 November
- Beare Park, Elizabeth Bay 9:30am to 12:30pm
- Green Park, Darlinghurst 1:30pm to 3:30pm
Saturday 5 December
- Victoria Park, Camperdown, 9:30am to 12pm
- Federal Park, Glebe, 9:30am to 12pm
- Prince Alfred Park, Surry Hills, 1:30pm to 4:30pm
- Harry Noble Reserve, Erskineville, 1:30pm to 3:30pm
Your feedback
Feedback may be published in publicly available reports at the end of the consultation period. Your name or organisation's name may appear in these reports with your feedback attributed. If you would like your feedback to be kept confidential, please let us know when making your contribution.
Next steps
All relevant information, including insights from this consultation, will be used to develop the draft plans of management. After the draft plans have been reported to Council and NSW Crown Lands, they will be placed on public exhibition. After feedback from the public exhibition is reviewed, the draft plans will be finalised and put to Council for adoption.