With a floodlit field, this park is perfect for hockey and touch football. There’s also a skate park for everyone to enjoy.
Barbecues included
Picnic areas with seating and barbecues.Public toilets included
Shaded areas included
Groves of native trees and large lawn areas.
Children’s area included
Large adventure playground with equipment for children of all ages and abilities.
Dog off-leash included
Grass areas all times, on the field when there are no sport activities.
Please keep dogs out of the playground.
Exercise equipment included
Skate park included
- Rails, ledges, walls, banks, kerbs and stairs. Freestanding mini ramp.
- Suits every ability and style of skating, scooting and BMX riding.
- Push-button operated lights turned off at 9pm.
Attractions included
Restored Glebe railway viaduct.
Federal Park skate park

- Skate plaza with rails, ledges, walls, banks, kerbs and stairs.
- Freestanding mini ramp.
- Caters for every ability and style of skating, scooting and BMX riding.
- Push-button operated lights turned off at 9pm.