People & communities

Building communities through enhancing the capacity of our people and the quality of their lives.


Why we’re doing this

There is a richness and vitality that comes from supporting the development of diverse and inclusive communities.

Strengthening our growing community wellbeing and resilience is vital to Sydney’s progress and global competitiveness.

Inclusive economic growth across local neighbourhoods is essential to address rising inequality and provide equitable access to opportunities.

Equity of access to opportunities allows for everyone to share in the community’s wealth and to break cycles of disadvantage, increasing safety and reducing conflict.

A growing number and diversity of local jobs and businesses are needed to sustain the development of local communities.

Clusters of specialised activity across the city are integral to the economic prosperity of Sydney.

People who live in medium and high density neighbourhoods require better access to public places and spaces to maintain liveability and quality of life.

Improving everyone’s capacity to withstand major shocks and continual stresses in their lives results in a more resilient community.

Communities committed to social justice and inclusion, and where people work together toward these goals, have greater levels of individual wellbeing and are more likely to thrive.

Action areas