Display of goods on the footway – local approvals policy

Aims to support and promote retailers using the footway while ensuring comfort and safe use by pedestrians.

Display of goods on the footway local approvals policy


  • The City of Sydney supports retailers displaying their goods on the footway outside their premises as a way to support business, contribute to a more lively and colourful streetscape, and make neighbourhood shopping streets more attractive destinations for locals and tourists.
  • There can be negative effects of unregulated use of the footway by businesses, impacting accessibility and obstructing pedestrian movement.
  • This policy establishes rules and a regulatory framework for use of the footway for displaying goods. It establishes a clear path of travel and distances from street furniture and other obstacles that must be maintained, expectations over the management and maintenance of goods displays, and restrictions over the types of goods that can be displayed.
  • This policy applies to all businesses who have (or wish to have) a display of goods on the footway outside their premises.
  • This policy works alongside the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012, which lists displays of goods as exempt development, and general consents issued under section 138 of the Roads Act by the City of Sydney and Transport for NSW (attached to the policy).
  • If you wish to have a display of goods in an area not covered by this policy, you will need to lodge an application with the City of Sydney for use of the footway, development consent and Roads Act consent.
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