Proposed changes to planning controls for 90 and 100-104 Brougham Street, Potts Point

We invite your feedback on this planning proposal.

Project Status: Closed

Public consultation period to

What we’re doing

The proposed changes will allow for a hotel use on the site, subject to a subsequent development application, as part of a proposal for the renewal of Piccadilly Hotel at Potts Point. The changes will support a high-quality hotel on the site and provide a natural buffer between the hotel and nearby residential properties.

The proposed change will not affect the height of building or amount of development allowed on the land.

This planning proposal is in line with the City of Sydney's strategic plans, supporting productivity and economic growth through encouraging hotel uses in suitable locations.

The Department of Planning and Environment has determined Council will be the local plan-making authority for this planning proposal.

Planning proposal: 90 and 100-104 Brougham Street, Potts PointPDF · 1.18 MB · Last modified
Proponent's planning merit assessmentPDF · 4.08 MB · Last modified
Economic and social impact assessmentPDF · 2.14 MB · Last modified

Next steps

We will consider all feedback and report the results to Council and the Central Sydney Planning Committee.

If Council approves this planning proposal, it can amend the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 on behalf of the Minister for Planning.

Aerial view of Brougham Street with 90, 100-104, and the proposed location of the Piccadilly Hotel highlighted.

How you can give feedback

Consultation closes at 5pm on Wednesday 9 August 2023.

Feedback may be published in publicly available reports at the end of the consultation period. Your name or organisation's name may appear in these reports with your feedback attributed. If you would like your feedback to be kept confidential, please let us know when providing your feedback.

Other ways you can give feedback