Proposed changes to retail planning controls for parts of Waterloo and Alexandria and retail parking controls across the City of Sydney area
Project Status: Closed
Council approved the retail review and retail parking planning proposal and amendment to Sydney DCP 2012 on 21 August 2023. Changes to Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 and Sydney DCP 2012 were finalised and came into effect on 6 October 2023.
Why we’re doing this
The proposed changes will increase opportunities for larger retail immediately adjacent to Green Square town centre, supporting its role as a strategic centre. It will also create certainty around parking requirements across the City of Sydney local area for retail development greater than 2,000 square metres by introducing a maximum parking rate.
What we’re doing

The proposed changes will:
- on some sites remove the existing 1,000 square metre cap on the amount of consolidated floor space for shops and markets (outlined in the map above in red)
- require retail development to have an entrance from the footpath
- introduce requirements to ensure retail spaces are fit for purpose, flexible and able to be used for other employment uses over time
- apply maximum parking rates to retail development greater than 2,000 square metres consistent with the rates that currently apply to other retail development.
Planning proposal and draft development control plan
Planning proposal contains the background, objectives, explanation and justification of the draft controls. These relate to removing the existing 1,000 square metre cap on the amount of consolidated floor space for shops and markets on land neighbouring Green Square town centre. It also amends parking controls for retail development greater than 2,000 square metres across the City of Sydney local area and introduces a requirement for retail to front a public place. The proposed planning controls provide capacity for large format retail floor space immediately adjacent to Green Square town centre. The controls also support the town centre as the main retail, commercial and community centre in the city south area, and manage traffic generation resulting from large format retail and activates public spaces and streets in the expanded retail area.
Draft development control plan contains supporting provisions that guide design, layout and placement of retail tenancies in relation to public spaces and streets in the expanded retail area. The provisions ensure retail spaces are fit for purpose, but also flexible and able to be used for other employment uses over time.
Supporting documents
How you can give feedback
Consultation closes at 5pm on Wednesday 24 May 2023.
Complete our feedback form
Email your feedback
You can also give feedback by email to [email protected]
Please quote ‘Reference X084812.006 — Retail review’
Talk to us
Feedback may be published in publicly available reports at the end of the consultation period. Your name or organisation’s name may appear in these reports with your feedback attributed. If you would like your feedback to be kept confidential, please let us know when making your contribution.