City Plan 2036: Local strategic planning statement
A 20-year land use vision that links state and local strategies with our planning controls to guide development.

New employment zones
In our local environment plans new employment zones began on 26 April 2023.
Any mention of a former industrial or business zone in our other planning documents, including development control plans, is legally taken to be a mention of the new employment zones.
For more details on these reforms visit the Department of Planning and Environment website. To see the new employment zones, view the 'equivalent zone tables' under resources.
As one of Australia’s global cities, Sydney will continue to attract people wanting to live, work, visit and invest. Over the next 20 years, the city’s people, economy and environment will change. By 2030, there will be around 1.7 million people in the city each day.
Our local strategic planning statement sets out a 20-year land use vision, balancing the need for housing and economic activities while protecting and enhancing local character, heritage, public places and spaces. It links state and local strategic plans with our planning controls to guide development.
Our priorities
The planning statement sets 13 priorities and a series of actions to achieve the vision and guide future changes to our planning controls:
- Movement for walkable neighbourhoods and a connected city
- Align development and growth with supporting infrastructure
- Supporting community wellbeing with social infrastructure
- A creative and socially connected city
- Creating great places
- New homes for a diverse community
- Growing a stronger, more competitive Central Sydney
- Developing innovative and diverse business clusters in the city fringe
- Protecting industrial and urban services in the southern enterprise area and evolving businesses in the Green Square-Mascot strategic centre
- Protecting and enhancing the natural environment for a resilient city
- Creating better buildings and places to reduce emissions and waste, and use water efficiently
- Increasing resilience of people and infrastructure against natural and urban hazards
- Open, accountable and collaborative planning.
Housing and jobs targets are also proposed in response to the NSW Government’s eastern city district plan.
The planning statement responds to the 10 strategic directions of our community strategic plan, Sustainable Sydney 2030, and has been informed by our other social, environmental, economic and cultural plans and strategies.
It is a legal requirement and must be reviewed at least every 7 years. It was finalised with the Greater Sydney Commission’s support. Any changes to planning controls must give effect to our planning statement.