Access strategy and action plan: continuing the vision
Our comprehensive framework outlines how we manage access and effective transport to create a sustainable city.

Our communities told us they want a city for walking and cycling with better public transport and fewer cars. The access strategy covers our extensive projects that contribute directly to the community strategic plan.
Our priorities
The main priorities for the City of Sydney to work on with the NSW Government include:
- transforming Broadway into a green gateway, complete with a cycleway and light rail
- a light rail connection between Green Square and the city centre, with electric buses servicing the area now
- accelerating the Metro West extension to give Green Square residents a station at Zetland by 2030
- calming traffic on Park Street in the city centre and widening footpaths to make space for trees and people
- greening Oxford and Flinders streets with more space for people, entertainment, dining and light rail
- continuing to build infrastructure for people walking and riding
- widening footpaths in areas where many people walk – including the city centre, village centres and high streets
- continuing to lower speed limits on our streets, with 30km/h maximum in the city centre and high activity areas.
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