Your say on developing our new inclusion (disability) action plan
Project Status: Open for feedback
We’re developing our new inclusion (disability) action plan and invite your feedback to inform its development.
Why we’re doing this
Our current inclusion (disability) action plan is due to finish on 30 June 2025 and we’re now developing our new plan for 2025–2029.
At every stage of the planning process, we’ll collaborate with those with lived experience of disability, and people who care for people with disability. This will make sure our new plan is aligned with the 4 legislated directions of:
- Positive community attitudes and behaviours
- Liveable communities
- Meaningful employment
- Equitable access to mainstream services
What we’re doing
We want to be able to respond to emerging issues and provide opportunities for co-designing solutions that will enhance access and inclusion for people with disability.
To better understand barriers and challenges, we’re inviting feedback from people with lived experience of disability, family and carers, and disability service providers and disability representative organisations.
Our community consultation includes a survey, focus groups and co-design roundtable.
Next steps
Once we’ve received your feedback from our survey, focus groups and roundtable, we’ll publish a community engagement report. This report will include the consultation and co-design of actions with the community throughout the development process of the new inclusion (disability) action plan.
We’ll publish this on our website with the draft action plan for comment in early 2025.
Language used in this survey
Language is dynamic and constantly evolving. We recognise that there is no one way of using language or terms that will be right for all people. Our intention for this survey is to be as clear as we can for a diverse audience and to be as inclusive as possible. We invite and encourage further feedback and have included open text field boxes in this survey.
How you can give feedback
Consultation closes at 5pm on Tuesday 17 September 2024.
There are several ways you can give feedback.
Take our survey
Online form 在线问卷调查 網上問卷調查 แบบสำรวจออนไลน์ Encuesta en línea Survei online
The survey can also be downloaded as a Microsoft Word document. An Easy Read version is also available.
If you need help filling out this survey, you can call the social policy team on 02 9265 9333 or email [email protected].
Join a focus group
We’re seeking expressions of interest from people with lived experience of disability in our diverse communities to participate in focus groups to help inform the development of our next inclusion (disability) action plan. Eligible participants must be over 18 years and visit, live, work or study in the City of Sydney local area.
Join the co-design roundtable
When: Wednesday 9 October, 8:30am to 1pm
Where: Lower Town Hall, Sydney Town HallThis event aims to empower the co-design of responsive actions to address barriers and challenges towards access and inclusion and provide opportunities to promote the rights of people with disability in the new plan.
People with lived experience of disability, disability peak organisations and local disability service providers are invited to attend.
Email or post your feedback
You can give your feedback by email to [email protected] or post to:
Jayne Gan, Social Policy Officer – Access and Inclusion
Social City
456 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Focus groups
We’re seeking expressions of interest from people with lived experience of disability in our diverse communities to participate in focus groups to help inform the development of our next inclusion (disability) action plan. Eligible participants must be over 18 years and visit, live, work or study in the City of Sydney local area.
Each focus group will run for 2 to 3 hours and participants will be paid $120 for their time.
A 2-page discussion paper with background information and some questions to consider will be shared with participants before the focus group.
To apply, complete an expression of interest form to participate in the session listed below that is most relevant to you. All expressions of interest will be assessed, and 8 to 10 participants will be chosen to attend each focus group.
You will be notified of the outcome of your expression of interest at least one week before the focus group.
If you need help filling out this form, you can call the social policy team on 02 9265 9333 or email [email protected].
Focus group: People with intellectual disability
Thursday 29 August
10am to 12pm
In person at 414 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills or online using Zoom
This focus group is peer-facilitated by the Council for Intellectual Disability. If you would like support to apply, you can call Council for Intellectual Disability on 1800 424 065.
Expressions of interest are closed.
Focus group: People of diverse sexualities and genders with disability
Wednesday 11 September
5:30pm to 7:30pm
Online using Zoom
This session is peer-facilitated by Charlie Zada, an experienced facilitator from the Sydney Queer and Disabled community group (SQuAD).
Expressions of interest are closed.
Focus group: People with disability from multicultural backgrounds
Tuesday 17 September
10am to 12pm
Town Hall House, 456 Kent Street Sydney
This session is peer-facilitated by the Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association and is delivered in partnership with the Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association and Settlement Services International.
If you require a translator, include the language required in the accessibility requirements section of the expression of interest form.
Expressions of interest are closed.
Focus group: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability
Tuesday 24 September
10:30am to 1:30pm
Redfern Community Centre, 29-53 Hugo Street, Redfern
This focus group is peer-facilitated by the First People’s Disability Network. If you would like support to apply, you can call First People’s Disability Network access and inclusion team on 9267 4195 or [email protected].
Expressions of interest are closed.
Focus group: People who are neurodivergent
Thursday 26 September
5:30pm to 7:30pm
Online using Zoom
This focus group is peer-facilitated by Ainslie Robinson, Think Tank facilitator from Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect).
Expressions of interest are closed.
Getting support
We recognise that by sharing your lived experience of disability or caring, it may bring up distress or discomfort. If you need to speak with someone for confidential support, you may wish to contact: