Building 2 new parks in Rosebery

These 2 new parks will provide important green space for a growing community to enjoy.

Project Status: Completed

Why we’re doing this

We’re creating a new park and smaller link park in north Rosebery to make Green Square a great place to live and play.

This project is part of our work to build new parks, upgrade existing ones and work with developers to provide more than 21 hectares of 40 parks and playgrounds in the Green Square area.

The new parks are on the site of the former Sweetacres factory of James Stedman Henderson Ltd, which opened in 1918 on Rothschild Avenue, Rosebery.

The larger park is at Crewe Place, Confectioners Way and Rosebery Avenue. The smaller park links Rosebery Avenue to Steadman Street and Confectioners Way.

In March 2021 we invited your feedback for the design and names of the new parks. The design has been revised based on collaboration with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members, local community feedback and a review of environmental factors.

The proposed name for the green link, Honeykiss Park, is under review with the NSW Geographical Names Board. The name of the larger park is under consideration. We’ll keep you updated on its progress.

Revised designsPDF · 2.61 MB · Last modified

What we’re doing

The new park includes:

  • a larger open lawn area and more trees, shrubs and native plants
  • greater separation and low fencing between the lawn and playground areas to help control dogs near the playground
  • more seating and bench seats with backs and armrests
  • new playground and play equipment for younger and older age groups
  • imaginative and accessible play opportunities
  • new lighting and increased shade
  • better access from the nearby residential apartments.

Unisex wheelchair accessible automatic public toilets will also be installed in the park. This is part of a separate project to provide more public toilets at popular neighbourhood parks in our local area.

The green link includes:

  • more trees and groundcover plants
  • new seating
  • paths to provide a safer connection for people riding between Confectioners Way, Spring Street and Rosebery Avenue.