Once a tired spot in Waterloo, Eden Garden has had a beautiful transformation thanks to the grit and vision of The Luncheon Club and its group of dedicated volunteers.
The Eden Community Garden
Raised garden beds included
Wet garden included
Composting area included
Chicken coop included
Accessible pathways included
Grow and share fruit and vegies
Established in the 1980s, this garden has a rich history of inclusion and outreach since its inception, including the Luncheon Club run by Kerry Anne and ACON, a support group for men with HIV/AIDS.
The garden, tucked behind South Sydney Uniting Church, has 16 plots, each allocated to a gardener. It also has a chicken coop with 15 hens, composting facilities and a worm farm.
The garden boasts a mature fig tree, banana plants and a feijoa. The garden is locked, but regular working bees occur. And we can take the community’s food scraps too!