Minimising construction activity impacts

Work is required to be done in a controlled and orderly manner.


Community impacts

The city undergoes constant change with many buildings being constructed and upgraded. Maintenance of existing buildings can often involve significant building work.

We recognise works and associated activity can have impacts on public spaces and building occupants.

To minimise construction impacts, we expect and require work to be done in a controlled and orderly manner. Works must also comply with various adopted controls, development consent conditions and other approvals.

Who is responsible

Developers, builders, contractors and building certifiers are responsible for ensuring work is carried out in line with approvals.

Safety and protection must be provided, including an acceptable level of public amenity near worksites.

For development and other activities carried out in public spaces, we're responsible for ensuring the work is carried out in line with approvals.

Where necessary, we can take appropriate action to deal with non-compliance and impacts affecting the public.

Monitoring and investigating complaints

Construction hours/noise code mapPDF · 1.51 MB · Last modified