Join our floodplain risk management committee

Oversee and provide input into our floodplain risk management program.

Project Status: Closed

We’re seeking 2 people to join our Floodplain Risk Management Committee as community representatives:

  • a member of an Aboriginal organisation or an Aboriginal resident with expertise in environmental, land and/or water management
  • a member representing a local environmental organisation or local community organisation involved in managing and protecting local biodiversity.

As a community representative on the committee, you’ll sit alongside technical experts and government employees and ensure views from local residents and business owners are considered.

The role of the committee is to:

  • discuss technical, social, financial and environmental issues associated with flooding
  • facilitate coordination between the City of Sydney, NSW Government agencies and the local community on flood related matters
  • oversee and provide input into our floodplain risk management program. 


To be eligible you must:

  • live or own a business in the City of Sydney local area
  • have an interest in, or lived experience of, flooding and knowledge of local catchments (you don’t need to be an expert)
  • show a sound understanding of the City of Sydney’s business or the environment in which it operates
  • show a capacity to form independent judgements and a willingness to constructively challenge or question management practices and information
  • demonstrate a professional, ethical approach and the capacity to devote the necessary time and effort required of a committee member.
  • be a member of an Aboriginal organisation or an Aboriginal resident with expertise in environmental, land and/or water management or a member (from any ethnic background) representing a local environmental organisation or local community organisation involved in managing and protecting local biodiversity.

You’ll be expected to understand and follow our code of conduct.

You cannot:

  • be employed by the City of Sydney or joint organisation in the past 12 months
  • have a close personal or business relationship with a councillor or a person who has a senior role at the City of Sydney that may lead to a real or perceived conflict of interest
  • currently, or in the past 3 years, provided any material goods or services – including consultancy, legal, internal audit or advisory services – to the City of Sydney which directly affect subjects or issues considered by the committee
  • be employed in a role that may lead to a real or perceived conflict of interest.

About the role


Members will be appointed for an initial 4-year period.

Meeting frequency

The committee meets at least twice a year or more frequently if there are pressing issues to be discussed. Meetings will generally be called at critical points in project stages.

Meetings may be held during work hours. The proposed date, time, location and business of each meeting will be notified to all committee members at least 7 days before the meeting.

Members are expected to read and review documents provided before each meeting.


The committee is made up of 4 to 6 community members, along with City of Sydney employees from engineering, planning and environmental disciplines. It also includes an officer from the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, representative(s) from the State Emergency Service and Sydney Water, and relevant consultants.

Members will be appointed by resolution of Council.


This is a voluntary position.

How to apply

FRM Committee Handbook - A guide for committee membersPDF · 2.04 MB · Last modified