Danks Street south precinct: concept design report
We’ve developed a concept design for new public spaces in the Danks Street south precinct, part of the Green Square urban renewal area.

The concept design ensures that when future development takes place in the Danks Street south precinct, well-designed and quality open spaces are available for our communities.

We want these spaces to reflect the existing character of the local area and its people, acknowledge and celebrate local Aboriginal perspectives, and become a welcoming place to live and work for all.
The design features 3 key principles and 8 project concepts.
Designing with Country
- Connecting to the enduring spirit of Country – Galumban nura (home country)
- Country provides – Gumal duga (people – generosity)
- Protecting Country now and into the future – Ngabay yuoli (planning – protection)
Project concepts
- The caretaker residency
- Remember Daragun
- Making the invisible visible
- Stories of Country
- Sheltered edges
- Amenity (solar access)
- Urban canopy (tree cover)
- Recycling and reuse
The concept design is available for developers to progress to design development, detailed design and construction.
The design was developed following community feedback in late 2020.
The concept design was created in consultation with MAPA (Moline Axelsen Public Art & Participatory Architecture), JILA (Jane Irwin Landscape Architecture), Bangawarra and local community.