Our approach to engaging the community

Our community engagement strategy outlines the guiding principles, activities and channels we use when working with our communities.

Booklet front cover


  • The Local Government Act 1993 requires councils to have a plan for engaging their local community when developing plans, policies and programs.
  • Engaging our communities in the governance of their city is a guiding principle in our vision Sustainable Sydney 2030–2050 Continuing the Vision.
  • This document is a framework for how we engage communities in the decisions made at the City of Sydney. This includes the people, organisations and businesses that have a stake in the future of Sydney and are impacted by the decisions made by the City of Sydney.
  • It outlines the legislative requirements, guiding principles, approaches and processes we use to ensure our engagement is clear, accountable, meaningful, inclusive and accessible. It describes the role communities play in our decision making processes.
  • It includes our community participation plan which describes the public exhibition and notification processes for land use planning matters.
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