Programs and grants
Our wide range of programs and grants help meet the needs our communities to ensure they continually innovate, grow, learn and enjoy all that Sydney has to offer.
Grants and sponsorship
If you have a great idea that would benefit the local community but just need a kick-start to get it off the ground, our programs may be able to help.
Sign up to our newsletter
Don’t miss out on our grants and sponsorship opportunities. Receive all the latest information, grant opening dates and much more.
Talks, courses and workshops
Events for everyone. Business seminars, creative arts classes, cycling courses and holiday programs.
Talks, courses & workshops
Business seminars and programsTalks, courses & workshops
Makerspace workshops and events in the Ideas LabTalks, courses & workshops
CityTalksTalks, courses & workshops
Visiting entrepreneur program
Public health & safety programs
These programs help make Sydney a safe place to live, work and play.
Volunteer programs
We encourage people to do something good for local communities by donating their time.
Volunteer programs
Volunteer and goods donation directoryCommunity activities & initiatives
International student leadership and ambassador programVolunteer programs
Volunteer for Sydney City FarmVolunteer programs
Meals On Wheels volunteersVolunteer programs
Volunteer for City spacesVolunteer programs
Sydney ambassadorsVolunteer programs
Be a Sydney New Year’s Eve volunteer
Sports competitions
Join or register a team for lunchtime and after work sport.