Accommodation grants

Involves leasing community facilities and spaces at no charge or a reduced rate.

The image depicts two individuals seated at a table with laptops in a well-lit room. A chalkboard is visible in the background. It appears to be an office or co-working space.

This program has no set dates or rounds. It is responsive as properties become available.

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Grants team

Before applying please contact the team to arrange a call back to discuss your project.

phone number
02 9265 9333
email address
[email protected]

About this program

The City of Sydney’s community facilities include different buildings and spaces that vary in size, location and function.

Under our accommodation grants program, we lease facilities or spaces for up to 5 years at reduced rates (below market rental rates) or at no charge.

We may offer some longer tenancies based on operational and community needs and public interest. Tenancies are informed by the strategic priorities reviewed and set by Council every 4 years.

You must demonstrate that payment of commercial rents would cause financial hardship leading to a reduction or withdrawal of services.

Art gallery setting with white walls and a wooden ceiling. A series of photographs is displayed on the wall, each featuring hands adorned with different styles of rings. In the foreground, two individuals interact with the exhibit: one stands on a yellow ladder, placing or adjusting one of the photographs, while another observes from ground level. Below the photographs, a white display table holds jewelry pieces related to those in the images above.

Wall: Idil Abdullahi, Erased, 2012 12 digital prints on metallic paper 40.5cm x 40.5 cm.

Table: Idil Abdullahi Loss, 2012, 7 slipcasted porcelain and copper wire approx. 25–29 cm x 15 cm x 6 cm.

Featured: Emma Cao - Communications Manager and Keesha Field - Gallery Assistant.

Support available

Support is available in the form of waived or reduced rental charges for City of Sydney facilities. Rates vary depending on the space being leased and the financial capacity of the applicant.

The City of Sydney may require payment of a bond as part of your lease or licence agreement.


How to apply

We invite applications for space through this program as facilities become available.

When available, opportunities are published on this page and also sent to our mailing list.

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