Register an event involving food and drink

You'll need to register with us if your activity serves meals or refreshments.

Project Status: When you need to do this

What you need to do

Temporary food stalls event registerPDF · 86.84 KB · Last modified

Before you start

  • Read the temporary food stall operation requirements. It outlines the requirements which must be met when operating a food stall within our area.
  • Use the temporary food stall checklist to ensure you have covered all the temporary food stall operation requirements.
Temporary food stall operation requirementsPDF · 65.77 KB · Last modified
Temporary food stall checklistDOCX · 154.09 KB · Last modified

Other information

Stall types for food and drink

  • If you are providing stalls, the stands are often too small for cooking operations.
  • As food preparation, storage and cooking is often conducted at the rear of the stall, this area must be provided with an overhead cover such as a tarpaulin.
  • Waterproof ground cover must also be provided.

Power and other facilities

  • We ask that you provide adequate power and lighting for your event.
  • Power must be available for all stalls that need electricity to prepare and cook food. You must ensure all stalls have adequate lighting to prepare food safely and to aid cleaning.
  • Cool rooms are required for any event that is operating for more than 3 hours.
  • If temporary food stall holders do not have adequate washing facilities, you must provide it to ensure adequate cleaning and sanitising of all equipment and utensils used to prepare food.
  • Temporary food stall holders are responsible for providing hand wash basins for their stall. If you would prefer to provide hand wash basins, we’ll fully support this.

Event inspections

  • We use a risk-based system to determine if your event will be inspected.
  • If your event is rated either moderate or high-risk, which is determined by the number of temporary food stalls selling potentially hazardous food and the duration of your event, then an inspection will take place.
  • If your event takes place for a number of weeks, our health officers will inspect the event more than once. The inspections will usually occur at the start, in the middle and at the end to ensure standards are being maintained throughout the event.
  • Refer to our temporary food stall checklist to ensure you’re complying with all requirements.