Foyer, Sydney Park Cycling Centre

Elevated photo of the Sydney Park Cycling Centre
Women's cycling course

Located within Sydney Park next to the children's bicycle track. The foyer area, kitchenette and toilets in this centre are available for hire.

Used for

Used for


  • Monday to Friday

    5pm to 12 midnight

  • Saturday and Sunday

    3pm to 12 midnight

What’s provided

  • Kitchen included

    Microwave, fridge/freezer, instant hot water (Zip system).

  • Parking included

    4 hour parking in Sydney Park public car park (Sydney Park Road and Mitchell Road intersection).

  • Close to transport included

    St Peters train station is within walking distance.


  • Onsite mobility parking not included

  • Mobility parking within 300m included

  • Level access entrance included

  • Entry door type included


Cost to hire


Weekdays until 5pm


per hour

Weekdays after 5pm, weekends and public holidays


per hour

Day rate


per day

Weekend full day rate

Including public holidays


per day

Conditions of hire

These conditions of hire apply to the use of our unstaffed community venues by all hirers.

The City of Sydney aims to provide the local community with a variety of venues that are well maintained and accessible.

We ask that you read and understand these conditions of hire to ensure your use of our community venues runs smoothly, is safe and complies with the City of Sydney’s regulations.

Conditions of hire – community venues (unstaffed)PDF · 339.3 KB · Last modified

Other considerations

  • Next to children’s bicycle track.
  • Non-residential area within Sydney Park.

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