Performance space, Redfern Community Centre

A big hall with wooden floors.
Sunlit hall with wood floors, exposed ductwork ceiling, and several round tables. 6-8 people of all ages are gathered at each table, some drinking coffee.
Several people in exercise clothes do yoga on colourful mats in a well-lit hall with wood floors and white walls.

This versatile space includes a fully-sprung dance floor, sound system and projection screen. It is suitable for conferences and presentations, dance performances, theatre groups, rehearsals and visual art exhibitions.



100 peopleThe room has a capacity of approximately 100 people and seating can be arranged as required.



17m by 11.5m


Bookings can be made out of normal hours upon request and will incur additional staffing fees. See cost to hire.
  • Monday to Friday

    9am to 5pm

What’s provided

  • Wifi included



  • Onsite mobility parking not included

  • Mobility parking within 300m included

  • Level access entrance included

  • Entry door type included

    Automatic – doors open to 1960mm wide.

Redfern Community Centre access informationPDF · 201.4 KB · Last modified

Cost to hire


Hourly rate

Individual/community groups


per hour

Hourly rate

Commercial or government


per hour

Also for hire at Redfern Community Centre