Splashes onto concrete surfaces reveal local Aboriginal words connected to water.
Marray (meaning wet) is an interpretive design work with deep connection to place and cultural heritage that is revealed only by water.
This unique discovery piece is incorporated into Green Square’s Gunyama Park Aquatic and Recreation Centre, surrounding the edges of the pools and wetland landscaped pathway. It’s an incredibly poignant application of water, with splashes from lap swimmers and children playing revealing the original languages spoken at this site.
Local Aboriginal words spell out water-themed reminders of the cultural heritage of the site including boogie (swim), bulangaang (salt water), miluny (mud) and murra (mullet). The variety of language used reflects Gunyama’s history as a place where many clans gathered.
Interpretive statement
Words from the local Aboriginal languages are revealed by water. As is the protocol to speak the language of the land, the words originate from local original languages of Sydney that originated from Country. The words reflect that the Country of Gunyama is a watery place and that the original plant of Gunyama, before colonisation impacted the place, was the eastern suburbs banksia scrub, now an endangered species.
Local languages including Dharug and Dharawal are actively being recovered by language speakers and have many shared words. The words were decided through consultation with local Traditional Custodians, the cultural authorities of the Sydney region.
The project team
Marray (Wet) is by cultural designer Danièle Hromek from Djinjama in collaboration with Sarah Jane Jones, Annabel Stevens and Andrew Wright from AX Interactive, Isabelle Toland from Aileen Sage Architects and Fauzima Rafiq.
This work is an outcome of the Gunyama Indigenous interpretation strategy, developed and authored by Djinjama and collaborators. It’s designed to act as a high-level visioning tool that can be used now and into the future to support the integration of the landscape, public art and signs at Gunyama Park Aquatic and Recreation Centre to create a unique place that recognises and celebrates Aboriginal stories and heritage in the built environment.
The strategy includes values and principles that should guide future work at Gunyama Park Aquatic and Recreation Centre, objectives for any development, themes and narratives with a focus on Indigenous cultural heritage, and aspirational recommendations for future work. Marray (Wet) is an interpretive design work commissioned as part of the Gunyama Indigenous interpretation strategy.
Marray (Wet) was commissioned as part of the Gunyama Indigenous interpretation strategy. The project aligns with our plans for the city: Sustainable Sydney 2030–2050 Continuing the Vision, the Green Square town centre public domain strategy, the Green Square public art strategy and the urban ecology strategic action plan.