Monuments & memorials
Our public art collection contains many monuments and memorials. Erected to commemorate or memorialise people, events and places, the works range from the oldest in the collection to contemporary artworks.
Monuments and memorials
Bonds of FriendshipMonuments and memorials
Gay and Lesbian Holocaust MemorialMonuments and memorials
Glebe War MemorialMonuments and memorials
Obelisk of DistancesMonuments and memorials
Oddfellows MemorialMonuments and memorials
Redfern Park World War I MemorialMonuments and memorials
SPAIDS MemorialMonuments and memorials
Second World War Servicewomen MemorialMonuments and memorials
South African War MemorialMonuments and memorials
Stonemasons MonumentMonuments and memorials
Yininmadyemi, Thou didst let fall
Things to see and do
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