Have your say on proposed planning controls in Ultimo and Pyrmont

Project Status: Open for feedback

Public consultation period to

What we’re doing

We’re proposing to amend the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 and the Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 to meet the requirements of the NSW Government’s Pyrmont Peninsula Place Strategy. We’ll also introduce the draft Ultimo Pyrmont local infrastructure contributions plan 2023.

Why we’re doing this

The NSW Government’s Pyrmont Peninsula Place Strategy requires changes to our planning controls to accommodate 4,000 more homes for more than 8,000 future residents, and capacity for 23,000 jobs as the area’s population grows.

Since May 2022 we’ve worked with our communities to review the existing planning controls and to develop changes to meet the requirements. We held 4 community workshops, hosted 2 online activities, sent letters and met with residents, landowners and community groups.

The feedback we received influenced our urban design principles, draft planning controls and the preparation of a local infrastructure contributions plan. More details can be found in the Council report.

Our response to the place strategy meets the NSW Government’s objectives while ensuring good design, community input and alignment with infrastructure.

The proposed planning controls respond to the place strategy by:

  • allowing more floorspace and height to provide for new homes in residential flat buildings, mixed use developments and small lot housing with excellent access to sunlight and natural ventilation
  • allowing more floorspace and height to accommodate more jobs in a range of building types in highly accessible locations, aligning with industry demand for commercial spaces
  • requiring new developments to increase publicly accessible open space, widen footpaths, accommodate more than 250 new trees and provide 2,000 square metres of new green roofs
  • minimising overshadowing to existing residents and important public parks and places.

Supported by a new local infrastructure contributions plan, the new planning controls align growth with new and improved local infrastructure and an updated affordable housing program.

How did we identify sites suitable for change?

This set of maps explains the selection process we followed when deciding which sites to consider in our study.

map 1
map 2
map 3

Proposed planning controls

How you can give feedback

Consultation closes at 5pm on Wednesday 13 November 2024.

Next steps

We will consider all feedback and report the results to Council and the Central Sydney Planning Committee for approval.