Strategic review: Botany Road precinct
The proposed planning controls will encourage new commercial buildings and affordable housing while recognising the significance of the place for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Project Status: Closed
The amendments to Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 and Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 relating to this site came into effect on 11 November 2022.
Council approved the planning proposal and an amendment to Sydney DCP 2012 on 27 June 2022.

The revitalisation of the Botany Road Precinct is an opportunity to meet the future projected demand for employment growth in the Redfern-Waterloo area and transform it into a vibrant commercial precinct with an upgraded and green public domain.
The Precinct is well positioned to accommodate jobs growth, being well located for businesses who need to be close to Central Sydney and key industry sectors and organisations in the Camperdown-Ultimo Health and Innovation Precinct and the Innovation Corridor. The new Waterloo Metro station will significantly improve local accessibility and become a focus of activity in the precinct. The precinct is also an opportunity to increase the amount of affordable housing close to jobs, services and public transport.
A review of the Botany Road precinct was originally started by the Department of Planning and Environment as part of the preparation of a land use and infrastructure implementation plan. The planning work was transferred to the City of Sydney and our review picks up from the original brief but amends the scope.
This review will also inform the City of Sydney’s ongoing work on meeting the vision of a green, global and connected local area through the community strategic plan and an economic strategy and the productivity priorities of the NSW Government.