Application for award of heritage floor space – The Great Synagogue

Project Status: Closed

Public consultation period to

What we’re doing

We invite your feedback on an application for an award of heritage floor space for The Great Synagogue, at 187A Elizabeth Street, Sydney.

The heritage floor space scheme  provides heritage building owners with an incentive to conserve and maintain their property.

This application seeks a total award of 3,450.4 square metres of heritage floor space for conservation works that have been completed.

As part of our assessment process, we invite surrounding neighbours and property owners to give feedback on the proposal.

We will consider all feedback relating to the award of heritage floor space in our assessment of the application.

Planning reportPDF · 1.33 MB · Last modified
Appendix A: Conservation management planPDF · 28.41 MB · Last modified
Appendix B: Easement and covenants on titlePDF · 409.3 KB · Last modified
Appendix C: Survey planPDF · 344.07 KB · Last modified
Appendix D: Condition assessmentPDF · 4.6 MB · Last modified
Appendix E: Review of condition assessmentPDF · 2.69 MB · Last modified
Appendix F: Heritage interpretation strategyPDF · 6.45 MB · Last modified
Appendix G: Certification of conservation worksPDF · 105.62 KB · Last modified
Appendix H: Gross floor area statement and plansPDF · 888.93 KB · Last modified

How you can give feedback

Consultation closes at 5pm on Wednesday 10 April 2024.

Submissions should quote ‘Reference X100606 – Heritage floor space award – The Great Synagogue’.

Feedback may be published in publicly available reports at the end of the consultation period. Your name or organisation’s name may appear in these reports with your feedback attributed. If you would like your feedback to be kept confidential, please let us know when making your contribution.

Other ways you can give feedback