Electrification of transport in the city strategy and action plan
Our approach to achieving zero emissions transport by 2035.

We’re committed to achieving net zero emissions transport by encouraging walking, cycling, public transport and electrification of transport.
For example, we’re trialling on-street electric vehicle charging in our local area.
The focus of our strategy and action plan covers 4 key areas:
- Creating a city for walking, cycling and public transport. Enabling a city for walking, cycling and public transport, supported by electric vehicles, is the best way we can reduce transport related emissions.
- Advocating for supportive government pricing and policy. We need state and federal government pricing and policy to prioritise electric vehicles over internal combustion engine vehicles.
- Electrifying high-impact transport fleets. We prioritise electrifying the fleets with the biggest emissions and impacts on people on our streets – either because they are driving all day or because they are big and noisy.
- Supporting electric vehicle charging options. We will use our planning controls to make sure new developments are ‘EV ready’ and explore ways to retrofit charging options in existing buildings, including strata.
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