Proposed changes to planning controls for the Sydney Metro Hunter Street development
Project Status: Closed
Council approved the planning proposal and an amendment to the Sydney Local Environmental Plan in May 2023. The changes to the Sydney LEP were published on 8 December 2023.

Have your say
What we’re doing
The proposed changes will allow for the development of new office towers that will integrate with the future Sydney Metro West Hunter Street station, including the adaptive reuse of the former Skinner Family Hotel state heritage building.
The new over station development will add business and employment generating floorspace to central Sydney, support an improved public domain through greater retail frontages including an expanded Richard Johnson Square and align with future pedestrianisation projects.
This planning proposal is consistent with the Central Sydney planning strategy, which allows increased building density and heights in suitable locations while protecting public spaces. These changes support future productivity and economic growth in central Sydney.
Draft design guidelines accompany the planning proposal and provide further guidance to ensure the future development will include comfortable public domain wind and daylight conditions, high-quality pedestrian upgrades, connections to adjoining sites, and heritage interpretation and public art.
The draft planning agreement includes the timing for payment of monetary contributions for new infrastructure in central Sydney and a commitment to best practice environmentally sustainability initiatives.
This planning proposal is being concurrently exhibited with the 2 concept state significant development applications for the over station development being assessed by the Department of Planning and Environment.

Documents relating to the Hunter Street metro over station development
These documents provide background to the proposal
Next steps
After the exhibition period, we’ll consider all feedback and report the results to Council and the Central Sydney Planning Committee.
If Council approves this planning proposal after public exhibition, the Minister for Planning and Homes will be responsible for amending Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012. The draft planning agreement would be finalised by Council.
How you can give feedback
Consultation closes at 5pm on Monday 30 January 2023.
Upload your feedback
Email or post your feedback
Email [email protected] or by post to:
Senior Project Officer
Strategic Engagement and Community Relations
City of Sydney
Town Hall House, Level 7, 456 Kent Street, Sydney, NSW 2000Please quote ‘Reference X089148.008 — Sydney Metro West Hunter Street Station Sites, Sydney’.
Talk to us
Other ways you can give feedback
Sydney Metro community information sessions
The applicant, Sydney Metro, is running 2 drop-in community information sessions on 15 December 2022 to provide further information about the project and Hunter Street station.
- Session 1: 11am–2pm
- Session 2: 3pm–6pm
Location: Auctionworks, Mezzanine level, 50 Margaret Street
For more information, visit the Sydney Metro website.
These sessions are separate to the public exhibition for the planning proposal and development applications, submissions for which are to be provided to the City of Sydney and Department of Planning and Environment respectively.
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