Reducing waste at home

Help us keep our city clean and green by reducing, reusing, repairing and recycling.

A consumer putting a jar in a reusable bag while shopping at a bulk food store.
Woman under a market stall holds a garage sale trail sign behind a display of second hand shoes on the stall table.
Reused and repaired bicycles, chairs, armchair, tables, stool and other pieces of furniture outside The Bower Co-Op.
Reducing waste starts when you apply the 4 Rs – reduce, reuse, repair and recycle – to your everyday life. Here’s what you can do:

The 4Rs are part of the waste hierarchy. These are a set of priorities ordered from most preferred to least preferred actions. By following these steps, you can help address the growing waste problem and climate emergency.

Get involved

We have a range of programs to help businesses, community groups and apartment buildings improve sustainability and reduce waste.

Sustainability events

City of Sydney News

Why we’re doing this: our zero waste goal by 2030

Nearly everyone puts something in the bin each day without thinking about the environmental impact. Collectively it’s huge.

By reducing your waste, you’re helping to care for the environment, reduce climate impacts, save precious resources and money. Plus, it makes you feel good!

If we don't make changes to how we manage waste, by 2030 we'll be sending over 100,000 tonnes of waste to landfill every year. That's 1.5 times what we currently produce.

When waste is buried, it decomposes over time and emits greenhouse gases that warm the earth. Sending waste to landfill also means valuable resources used to create products are lost forever and we need to keep replacing them with more raw materials.

We all have a part to play in reducing waste. Small and consistent changes at home can add up. Together we can achieve our zero waste goal by 2030.

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